viernes, 16 de marzo de 2012

                                            the night of san juan 

 today was the presentation of my friends was very cool the presentation toks abaut the night of san juan .......... there  was a girl that likes parties and she likes to dance but the mother dosent le tet her the story was cool

We made  the group of the stories
We go together to plan the activities
Sentences on the notebook

The math book notebook
Problem solving
We went to the pool 

We whatc the video of did you know
A ballon experiment
The word list with tion,cion
Life skills summary of the day
Language practice book

lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012

The ruckus scholars

There were 15 scholars they were revelers when they go to parties rocks the they sing the song call irresistible with LMFAO **?? . After drinking a lot, of a lot, of a lot, of a lot monsters they were persuading LMFAO**??  To go to another party ,in the other party they fell aghast

Los eruditos ruckus

Había 15 eruditos que eran juerguistas cuando van a las rocas las partes que cantan la llamada canción irresistible con LMFAO **? . Después de beber mucho, de un lote, de un lote, de unos monstruos que estaban mucho convencer a LMFAO **? Para ir a otra parte, en la otra parte se quedaron horrorizados