lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012

Last summer we visited a sheep farm in Quetzaltenango.the farm house had lots of rooms for guests,but we didn t sleep there. in the garden was a small canpsite so we state there in a tend. the front door was gust a hole

jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012

what is electricitity??????
Electricity is a form of energy. Electricity is the flow of electrons. All matter is made up of atoms, and an atom has a center, called a nucleus. The nucleus contains positively charged particles called protons and uncharged particles called neutrons. The nucleus of an atom is surrounded by negatively charged particles called electrons.

what is magnetism??????

A magnet attracts magnetic material with a force called magnetism. There are different kinds of magnetic material, the most common one being iron.

Pure iron is quite a soft material and is not usually used for building or making objects. The iron has to be strengthened or hardened by adding other substances to it.

 Most of these substances are not magnetic and thus dilute the magnetism in the.

kinds of energy

Kinetic Energy:
Potential Energy:
Thermal, or heat energy:
Thermal, or heat energy:
Electrical Energy
Electrochemical Energy:
Electromagnetic Energy (light):
Sound Energy:
Nuclear Energy:

lunes, 13 de agosto de 2012

Thomas Alva Edison & Nikon Tesla were the two great scientist.
who developed many devices that have greatly influenced life around the world. But these two great men were never at ease with each other. Edison and Tesla were termed as the biggest rivals with the tales of their bitterness still repeated over time.
 Thomas Alva Edison gave the world many amazing inventions including the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and a long-lasting, practical electric light bulb.
Nikola Tesla was an inventor, mechanical engineer, and electrical engineer. He was an important contributor to the birth of commercial electricity, and is best known for his many revolutionary developments in the field of electromagnetism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
These two men have contributed a lot to the welfare of mankind. But they became ardent rivals, as both usually saw their lives intertwined and saw each other on the opposite ends as components.

When did the fight between Tesla and Edison start?

Tesla worked in Paris and arrived in USA in 1984, he had a letter of recommendation from the previous employer Charles Batchelor. In the letter of recommendation to Thomas Edison, it is claimed that Batchelor wrote, ‘I know two great men and you are one of them; the other is this young man’.
Edison hired Tesla to work for his Edison Machine Works. Tesla’s work for Edison began with simple electrical engineering and quickly progressed to solving some of the company’s most difficult problems.

 Tesla was even offered the task of completely redesigning the Edison company’s direct current generators.
Edison was clueless about the great benefits of AC until Tesla showed him plans for his induction motor.

lunes, 9 de julio de 2012

 the narraganset people

the narraganset people dress with fringred leather pants and beaded necklaces. The narraganset have live in the narraganset indian reservation for hundred of years the narraganset live on a way of live
thath was based on cooperation. the narragansett lands were divide
into a number of territoriesand each territory had it owns ruler.Gradually,though,the narraganset and the europeans began tomistrust each other.many narraganset were kiled in wars
my vacations

first some people have to operate on my tonsils then i have to
eat alot of ice cream and gel.Some days after the buy my a video game and thath video game i finished in one week,then buy my another video game and i finished in one week, then in friday i go to fish in i grab one shad and was genial.

lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

Tom has 15 years, jerry 9 and Laura has 6. What is the age of Edmond, if the sum of the three ages is three time the age he has? By Diego.
he has 10 years                      15+9+6:30     30/3: 10

2.      Maria buys 5 dolls of $ 7.00 each. How much would it be if she buys 10 more? By Angela.
350 dollars      7*5: 35      35*10: 350

3.      There are 20 cows if each cow gives 2 liters of milk every day, how many will 20 cows give in a year? By Yariluz
14240 in a year         20*2:40*356 :14240

4.      There were 30 chicken and we ate 14 chickens. How many will be left if we added 40 more? By Alejandro
56 chickens     30-14:16         16+40:56 

5.     I bought 66 apples, and then my sister bought 100 apples, if we eat 50 apples total. How many apples will be left? By Alejandra
116    100+66:166         166-50:116

6.      Adrian buys a computer for $ 948. He first paid the half and the rest will be paid into 12 months. How much will he pay every month? By Rosa Delia
he had to pay 39. 05   948 /2 :478/12 : 39.05

7.      If 35 grams of powders contained in 150 millimeters, how many grams are contained in 75 mm? By Luis Pablo

Is 17. 5 millimiters

8.      Gareth is hungry and only has 2 dollars left. What two items could he buy? By Juan Carlos
hot dog $1.25
fish $1.25
cheese burger $1.35

chips $0.65
candies $0.70
crisps $0.50

9.      In a farm there 120 hens, every day they lay down 6 eggs each, how many eggs will be in a year? By Vivi

jueves, 26 de abril de 2012

coo i get one hunderd in language exam.       coooolllllllll                   yesssssssssssss

yeaaaaaaaaa c                                               ooooooooooooyeah

100 i get mario time

lunes, 23 de abril de 2012

I fell wistfull  because, mr Ricardo threaten me of don’t have recess.
Diego fell grateful because mr Arriaza put he  one hundred in language exam.
Pizza is very irresistible for little kids.
People from the university  are revelers.
  Some people  are very grim with his family
The  air condition  do a raspy sound.
The lions swarmed over the dead body of the zebra
Lesson 7
I am fret because I  am wating cod.
I proclaimed my xbox 360.
I am assured of go to usa.
Clonws sometimes are outlandish.
 diegoi is a ruckus person

lunes, 16 de abril de 2012

secret ingredent

one day was a chef and some guys. chef rudy is going to have a tv presentation and the kitchen dont was in a good state. chef rudy needs tomatos and a girl find tomatos and he do a good job

lunes, 9 de abril de 2012

in my vacation

i play x box all the days in semana santa  was very cool because i play in the water with my dona jajajajajajajaja with angela i resive my godparents with they guys.and i play black berry tablet games like uno,need for speed was cool

leonardos horse

leonnardos da vinci die and a guy as record gem he do a horse but the thing was that he doit sow little and she call a women to help and they do a fantastic job}

viernes, 16 de marzo de 2012

                                            the night of san juan 

 today was the presentation of my friends was very cool the presentation toks abaut the night of san juan .......... there  was a girl that likes parties and she likes to dance but the mother dosent le tet her the story was cool

We made  the group of the stories
We go together to plan the activities
Sentences on the notebook

The math book notebook
Problem solving
We went to the pool 

We whatc the video of did you know
A ballon experiment
The word list with tion,cion
Life skills summary of the day
Language practice book

lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012

The ruckus scholars

There were 15 scholars they were revelers when they go to parties rocks the they sing the song call irresistible with LMFAO **?? . After drinking a lot, of a lot, of a lot, of a lot monsters they were persuading LMFAO**??  To go to another party ,in the other party they fell aghast

Los eruditos ruckus

Había 15 eruditos que eran juerguistas cuando van a las rocas las partes que cantan la llamada canción irresistible con LMFAO **? . Después de beber mucho, de un lote, de un lote, de unos monstruos que estaban mucho convencer a LMFAO **? Para ir a otra parte, en la otra parte se quedaron horrorizados

jueves, 23 de febrero de 2012

                                            Line Drive

Tanya West Dean loved to play baseball in the 1960, though; girls were not allowed to play. She was a girl that liked to play baseball, but the problem was that in that time girls don’t was allowed to play that sport. She was the oldest sister of three brothers because of that she became a tomboy.

One day she got tired of being left out of the game and she challenged them with a bet. She had three pitches to make a run. The first and second throws she missed, but the third one, she made it. When she hit the ball, the boys were speechless. She proved that girls can play baseball, by winning a bet. From that day on she would play with them.